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Posted by Oldiesmann on 03-28-2010 at17:43:

Lamp Hymns

I would love to see a CD full of classic hymns be The Lost Dogs. I love what they've done with "Farther Along", "Precious Memories" and "Dust on the Bible", and think an entire collection of similar tunes from them would be great!

Posted by UnderDawg on 03-30-2010 at18:43:

  RE: Hymns

No argument here. I'd like to see them take really conventional hymns, like "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" or some of these types and see what they could do to put some....today...into them.

Posted by vlricha on 04-01-2010 at10:08:


You know it Smile I couldn't agree with you more.
I love the way they do "Farther Along" and "Precious Memories also. I was just listening to the radio and the song "He Touched Me" came on. As I was lying there I started imagining how the Lost Dogs would sing it. Then "In the Garden" came on and I could hear them doing that song, too. Actually, there are a lot of songs that I know the Lost Dogs could take away from all other singers if they wanted to, but alas, I hear it costs a lot of money to make a record. So, I wonder how many of their fans would be willing to help finance the project for them, if they would be willing to do it. I can't afford too much, but would be willing to help out if it meant that they would actually do an album of old hymns.

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